The International Youth Meeting Dachau (IYM) was funded in 1983 as Internationale Jugendbegegnung Dachau (IJB Dachau). Since then, every year young people from all over the world get together. They search for answers concerning questions of the past, the present and the future. As a participant you'll be able to meet eyewitnesses or their descendants, visit historical places and engage in workshops about historic and current forms of nationalism, exclusion and discrimination of minorities. But partying, games and sightseeing will also be on your schedule.

until start of the international youth meeting

IYM Dachau 2025

July 26th – August 8th @Max-Mannheimer-Haus Dachau

The application is open, make sure you profit from our early bird option until April 15th.

We are looking forward to meeting you!


Evaluation weekend of IYM Dachau 2024

The team, project management and representatives of the hosting organizations met at the youth hostel Berchtesgaden from October 4th – 6th for the evaluation weekend of IYM Dachau 2024.


IYM Dachau 2024

The 42nd International Youth Meeting Dachau took place between July 27th and August 10th, 2024. Together with our team around 80 people from 20 nations met in the Max Mannheimer House to talk about history and culture of remembrance as well as current developments.

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